You may have heard me say this before. If that is the case, I sincerely apologize, but this is worth reiterating time and time and time again:

“Writing is an all-or-nothing art form. Either you’re in your Divine Author Within (DAW) or you’re not. There is no gray area with writing. There’s only black or white. Either you are in the DAW state and you’re writing is great, or you are not in that state and your writing sucks. Period.”

Why is this fact so important that it needs to be repeated time after time, over and over? Because (I know I am repeating myself …sorry … but it deserves repeating), from my experience, what I have come to realize clearly is that all of the great writing (as can be tracked back to their experiences) were produced while the author was in a deep, almost a oneness sort of direct connection with his/her DAW. With that in mind, then doesn’t it make sense that I continually nudge you in that direction in regard to your own writing? You see, the greatness that awaits you by writing from an inspirational state is the reason that I so strongly and consistently encourage you to repeatedly enter deeply into this state.

Practice does make perfect . . .   

and the more times you consistently enter this state, the closer both you and your writing will come to achieving cutting-edge, inspirational, and emotional perfection with your writing.

With that in mind, I strongly recommend, no matter your experience level, that you attend as many of my Writing from the Divine Author Within classes as possible.

Most are free, so cost is not an issue. You can attend them live or virtually, with recordings of the virtual versions available for download for those who register.

Where can you find a listing of my upcoming classes? Click here to access the schedule on my website, and you can register from there.

Notice of future classes will be posted consistently on my website for dates, times, and locations.

If you do one thing today, register for one of my classes. Doing so will make all the difference in the world for both you and the quality, depth, and passion of both your writing and your life.