By definition, Angels are deliverers of messages.


Reread that first sentence. Let it sink in.

Okay, now read on.

How do you know if you are meant to write a book or continue to write books? Your earthly Angels will show you. And they can be relentless and downright tough.

Initially, they start by encouraging and complimenting you. If you are too resistant to them taking the high road, your ignoring of them gives them no other choice but to cut you off at the knees. Believe me, as bull-headed as I can be, I know.

So what does this all look like?

Sometimes it comes as compliments on your writing in the form of high marks, appreciative words, or encouraging insights. At other times, should you not prove to be a gracious recipient of the niceties of life, Spirit resorts to less pleasurable approaches to communicate Its word through our Angels here on Earth.

Either way, whether you have chosen to go the route of the compliment or have forced a bit of tough love upon yourself, Spirit is reaching out to you, encouraging you to commune back to your truest roots through writing your book(s) and the release of the earthly message of humor, insight, understanding or just pure entertainment that It/They provide(s).

It’s time to do a few things.

First, it’s time to silently, sincerely thank the Angels in your life, who in one way or another have encouraged you, led you (perhaps kicking and screaming) to write. Their task up to this point may have been thankless. You may have been just God-awful to deal with. So it’s time to thank them for following through on their divine purpose, nudging you to follow yours, and putting up with you when you may have hesitated.

If not now, make time to give thanks to your Angels soon.

Secondly, it’s time for you to decide whether you would like to go the way of the Angelic compliment or the route of tough love. If you choose the former, it’s time to take action in regard to writing your book or next book.

Keep writing!

I hope to see you soon,
