1) Do you have a trend?

Let’s face it, Fifty Shades of Grey was a poorly written book. But it served a purpose of satisfying people’s (at least unfulfilled housewives’) literary desires. If you have a fresh concept, not a regurgitated one, then you have the potential of creating a trend that can skyrocket your book sales.

2) Have you shared your writing with others?

You wouldn’t launch a new product without testing it first, not without risk of failure. It’s not enough to share your work with your friends and family, unless you are sure they will give you honest feedback. It is important to share it with a group of fellow writers and professionals who will help you get over your fear of being seen and write the best version of your book you can.

3) Do you have a platform?

Whether it’s your own podcast, or a few dozen followers on Twitter, it’s essential for writers to have a platform from which to speak. Even traditional publishers will look at an Author’s platform before his or her manuscript. Social media is a great tool for writers and in this day and age, people crave connection. Building an online community is a great way to spread your message and build loyal followers who can’t wait to purchase your book. Those looking to bolster their Instagram followers may want to consider using a growth service to do this. This method means that your audience can be built organically, giving you more people to engage with online and ultimately providing you with a more professional-looking account.

4) Are you willing to invest in your book?

A book requires time and energy, in addition to professional editing, design, and marketing. Perhaps you have those skills and as long as you have the luxury of the significant time it will take to accomplish it, then you are in great shape. However, the majority of authors will need to invest financially in his or her book. You may be able to succeed with an amateurish version, but, if you aren’t willing to invest in your book, then why are you sharing it with others?

5) Are you ready?

That’s what it all comes down to. You may have already invested a significant amount of time in your book. In order to honor your book and do it justice, you need to be emotionally and mentally ready. The most expensive investments are those that have no return. If you’re not completely ready, take more time to develop. Your book will thank you for it.

With PublishNow, combined with the Author Development Program, we have addressed these areas to provide you the support you need to professionally publish your book. If you are ready to take the next step and fully commit to your book, then we’d like to talk to you. Email [email protected] to start the discussion.