A Simple Way to Give Thanks

By |2024-02-02T12:46:46-07:00November 21st, 2016|

The reason you are a writer is because you have been blessed with a gift. When properly activated, that gift allows your Spirit-led heart to come pouring out through the words you write.You are special because you have a special gift. It’s time to put that gift to work to touch the lives of those [...]

Why Your Dream is Worth Dying For

By |2017-11-10T11:15:29-07:00November 14th, 2016|

Dear friend and Big League Hall of Famer Willie Stargell experienced the defining moment of his life at nineteen. He was accosted by a shotgun-baring bigot who threatened to blow Willie’s brains out if he played in the game that night. Willie played anyway and for the first time became fully committed to living his [...]

The Frustrated Writer vs. The Successful Author

By |2024-02-02T12:54:12-07:00September 25th, 2016|

There are many negative stereotypes about writing, which are, unfortunately, common assumptions. We, however, have an alternative in the form of countless confirmations that choosing the path of authorship need not predetermine long-suffering, imminent failure, or perpetual pennilessness. The notion that writing and publishing a relevant literary work of art requires years or decades of [...]

When are the Most Divinely Guided and Open Opportunities to Write?

By |2024-02-02T12:57:26-07:00September 19th, 2016|

A recent Blog “1,500 Words per Hour Reconnects to the Inspiration that is Your Book,” included directions to access The Divine Author Within State. In this state, you lose track of time as your pen flies across the page or your fingers move like lightning across the keyboard. Wisdom, guidance, and understanding pour through you.This freedom to [...]

1500 Words per Hour Reconnects to the Inspiration that is Your Book

By |2024-02-02T12:59:42-07:00September 12th, 2016|

To begin on the most-exciting-of-all-journeys in writing, we must first understand why and how we strayed off the divine path we now seek and how we got so mucked up.Allow me to get right to the point so you can get back to where you long to return as quickly as possible.There are four aspects [...]

Retreat Bird’s Eye View: Enlightened, Exhausted, and Free!

By |2024-02-02T13:01:30-07:00August 30th, 2016|

Freshly out of the exhilarating and transformative weekend retreat in Sedona, this is an opportune time to answer a question I’m frequently asked:  “What are your retreats like for you?”Each retreat has a unique personality, path, and destiny, so for me, every retreat is like going down a very familiar road for the first time.All [...]

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