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Yes, yes, yes, despite all you’ve heard or have potentially experienced, anyone desiring to write a book can do so in a weekend, and that book can even go on to become a bestseller, as evidenced by the three-decade track record of Best Selling Author Tom Bird’s innovative, proven and life-changing techniques.
And this mind-expanding class, taught by the founder, Tom Bird, himself, of The Tom Bird Method, shows you how to overcome all of the excuses and barriers to living your literary destiny or just to get your beloved story or message out to the world by writing your book in a weekend. Listen to your heart. It’s never been wrong. You’ve got to be there!


You also receive a special gift of the same subliminal tracks played nonstop at Tom Bird Method Retreats, these audio downloads have led tens of thousands to overcome their dreaded writer’s block, and reconnect to the inspiration that is their book.


In addition, all attendees will receive a special discounted offer to attend one of the 2019 Transform Your Life – Through the Writing of Your Book in Three Days…or Less Retreats!

Cost: $20 Suggested Love Offering

Timeframe: 2 hours

Registration: Registration necessary.

Type: Open to all writers.

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