Imagine finally getting your book revised!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah! This specialty retreat offers just that!!
As far as preparation for the retreat is concerned, it’s simple:
Thursday, November 9: 5:30 – 7:45 PM MST (Opening Session)
Friday, November 10: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM MST
Saturday, November 11: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM MST
Sunday, November 12: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM MST
*During Standard Time in the US (November 5, 2023- March 9, 2024), Arizona is 1 hour ahead of Pacific Time and the same as Mountain Time.
More Details
Registration: Registration necessary.
Type: Open to All Writers
Everyone will start out writing long-hand, you can switch to an electronic device (laptop, computer, a tablet with keyboard) when instructed. You are not required to use an electronic device, however, if you are a speedy typist, you can save the step of having to type your entire manuscript at a later time.
How does one harness the Divine inspiration that has been nudging them all along? Let’s delve more deeply into the preparation, education, writing and revision process:
All monies paid for a retreat are non-refundable and non-transferable, except as specifically set forth herein. Author may transfer Author’s reservation for a retreat to a separate retreat once, provided the retreat to which Author desires to transfer is scheduled to take place within a 12-month period from the originally purchased retreat. Retreat transfer requests must be received by Presenter at least three weeks prior to the start of the retreat for which Author originally registered. In the unlikely event of the cancellation of a retreat for any reason, a makeup retreat will be scheduled in the same area for a date no more than 12-months after the original date of the retreat canceled. At the time of any cancellation by Presenter, registered participants can either transfer, at no extra charge, their registration to the makeup retreat or to any other already scheduled retreat within the 12-month period from the date of the cancelled retreat.
In the event Presenter is not able to conduct the retreat or provide a makeup retreat or provide any other services paid for by Author for any reason, Presenter’s liability to Author shall be limited solely to a refund of any monies already paid by the Author to Presenter.
Read the Complete Retreat Terms & Conditions here.