Week of April 2, 2020
Debra Lansdowne
NSW, Australia
Author, Yoga Teacher, Art/Dance Therapist
Book Title
Seeker of Freedom and Joy
Book Category
Inspirational & Self-Help
Book Length
307 pgs
Sojourn Publishing, LLC
Date Published
December, 2019
Awards for Book
Amazon #1 Bestseller
Other Published Books
Future Books
Communing with other species
Book Synopsis
“Seeker of Freedom and Joy”
Inspiring life journeys of an enlightened heart.
Many people are struggling to find meaning in their lives right now, being forced to adapt quickly in a changing world.
This book is an extraordinary and inspiring life journey that takes the reader on a real life adventure walking the path of the heart through life’s challenges and joys through relationships with our body, the mind, our families, ancestors and with mother earth and other species in the natural world. A road map is offered with landmarks for the reader to find their own unique path to enlightenment. Provocative questions are weaved throughout the chapters offering the reader an opportunity to reflect on their own life journeys. The author views the world with all her senses – physically and metaphysically with different eyes.
If you would like to be inspired this book will keep you wanting to read every unpredictable chapter to the end.
How did Tom’s Method help with the writing/publication of your book the most?
Tom’s method of writing offered me an opportunity be part of a larger group energy making it more powerful to access that deeper wisdom that we all have within us the DAW. I was committed to this journey as a new author and Toms method has helped get me started. Now writing several more books. I love this method it is so authentic and real keeps me in a meditative space. People who read my book comment and feel the power behind my words when they read it. Of which I am told makes it a page turner.
What did you learn the most from the writing of your book?
Trusting my own deeper wisdom and words that come to me. I have met many new ancestors on this author journey now working with them and they support me in magical ways in unconditional love that is what I have experienced. I learnt much about publishing, as I joined the publishing program offered by Tom I recommend it for a first time author. Toms soul reads are invaluable & unique. I do not know anyone else who offers that invaluable service to keep you on track. Especially if you have many books coming through as I did.
Advice you have for new authors?
Stay focused and committed keep writing until you have completed all sessions. Then allow the compilation of the sessions into a manuscript take you on a journey until you feel it is all sitting into chapters. Be sure to have a soul read with Tom for your first book and use the publishing package offered this gives you a professional book to sell and promote