Week of January 28, 2021
Book Title
Book Category
Women’s Fiction
Book Length
227 pgs
Date Published
January 2020
Awards for Book
Other Published Books
None yet
Future Books
Children’s book on lessons from the field coming right out of a horse’s mouth.
Book Synopsis
A profoundly moving novel about loss and triumph over the ties that bind us to our past. A loving mother and a forgotten daughter unite after forty years in a soul discussion that was never finished. Jackie is in a coma after she falls off her horse at the age of fifty-two. While floating in sublime unconsciousness, she joins her mother who died when she was twelve – the age at which Jackie vowed she would never love again; loss just hurts too much. Jackie believes she is in Heaven with her mom for eternity, but she’s given the gift to return to her life. To be released from the coma, Jackie must let go and retrace the seasons of her life. Ever since her mom died, Jackie has been on the run making one bad choice after another, trying to outrun her broken heart in search of the love she lost. As painful as it is, she must re-enter the darkness of her early life experiences to emerge into the light of a life of love that she could never have imagined.
How did Tom’s Method help with the writing/publication of your book the most?
Tom’s method works. I have wanted to write my story for a long time. The journey of a million miles begins with the first step. Thankfully I took the step into Tom Bird’s Write Your Book in a Weekend retreat. I was the best experience and decision I have ever made for myself.
What did you learn the most from the writing of your book?
I learned that love is a decision. I wrote an autobiography with a twist, faction, not fiction. I’ve spent my whole life wanting true love, yet running from it. When you write your life story, you begin to see patterns in your behavior more clearly. The only way to change something is to acknowledge it.
Advice you have for new authors?
Trust the Process!! Get out of your own way!!

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Tom Bird
Sojourn Publishing, LLC