Week of March 17, 2022
Massachusetts, USA
Book Title
A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution – Raising Resilient, Responsible, Compassionate Kids From the Inside Out
Book Category
Book Length
Date Published
February 2022
Awards for Book
#1 New Release for Toddler Health
#1 New Release for Infant Health
Other Published Books
None yet
Future Books
“The Project” – a fiction, medical thriller
Book Synopsis
A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution is a provocative read for consciously awakening parents who are searching for an easier way to raise their kids in today’s complex, high pressure, rapidly changing world. The current direction of kids’ health with rising rates of depression and anxiety, demands that something change in how we raise our kids, because right now something isn’t working. Kids and adults alike are looking to their external world for answers to their problems. More money, a nicer car, more friends on Facebook, a better spouse or partner, a better body, drugs, alcohol – none of which will bring happiness for longer than a nanosecond. Lasting answers and solutions come from within. A parenting revolution begs the case for parents to raise their children from the inside out. Focus on the inner spirit of the child and the outside will naturally flourish. Here is a guide that shows you how to discover what your individual and unique child needs from you to not only survive but to thrive in the world. A Parenting Revolution blends the wisdom of eastern medicine with contemporary western culture. It is a deep dive into holistically understanding and raising your child.
How did Tom’s Method help with the writing/publication of your book the most?
First draft – just write, write, write, don’t stop, let it pour out. His writing music constantly in my ears from beginning of writing the book up until final edit.
What did you learn the most from the writing of your book?
You need to write what feels right, what you feel you need to say. When it takes a year to get a book out there, and you still feel the same desire to get your message out there, then do it.
Advice you have for new authors?
Just sit down and write! Do it for the pleasure it brings you, the release it brings you, the joy of creating. And go easy on yourself – don’t judge too hard.
Do you have a self-published book you could use some help promoting?
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Tom Bird
Sojourn Publishing, LLC