This year marks the thirty-second year that I’ve been working with aspiring authors. I’ve been privileged to share these writing methods with more than 80,000 writers on an individual basis, in top university lectures, and in my beloved workshops and retreats.

Together, we go to the core, the soul of ourselves, as writers and as human beings. The individuals who participate are guided to remove blockages that have thwarted their ability to live their potential as both human beings and authors.

It’s exciting and humbling to know that thousands of books have been birthed in this communion with Spirit.

Having accomplished so much over a long period of time, I regularly ask why I still feel called to teach. I usually receive answers like these:

First, I don’t feel that my work is complete. With the world opening up in so many ways, I honestly feel that I have just begun to spread my message about the communal benefits achieved while in a divinely connected state.

Second, I continue to experience, ever more deeply, how the magic of writing uncovers life’s mysteries through the experiences of my best teachers, my so-called “students.”

There is much to be learned from teaching. I believe that everyone should write a book, and that everyone should share his or her gifts with others. By doing so, you are opening a divine doorway to a legion of Angels who are ready to lead you to a higher place in your life.

I am certain of this.

Keep writing!

I hope to see you soon,
